Start the New Year With an iContour Signature Facial

Many times, as you go through life, your facial skin ages due to many factors, like sun exposure, genetics, etc. Facials can help to rejuvenate and transform your facial skin to give you a fresh look. With an iContour signature facial by our expert team, you can customize every step of your treatment to give you the best results possible based on your goals and needs. Schedule a consultation with iContour Anti-Aging Center in Boston, MA to learn how a facial can help you today.

What is an iContour signature facial?

iContour signature facials are medical-grade facials designed with your specific needs and goals at the center of their creation. Our expert team suggests you get a facial on a regular basis for the best possible results. At your consultation, our team will assess visible and hidden damage to give you the best possible service and facial. Our expert team will then find the ideal products to fit your skin and any goals you may have. You can also add other procedures, such as BOTOX®, to make your results as significant as possible and leave your face looking and feeling fresh and revitalized. iContour signature facials can help you achieve healthier and clearer skin while making you look and feel more beautiful. If you think an iContour signature facial can help you today, contact iContour Anti-Aging Center in Boston, MA for more information on how our expert team can assist you.

What happens during an iContour signature facial?

The first step for an iContour signature facial is a consultation where we will determine your customized treatment plan. Then, you will lie down in our treatment chair while your facial starts. While each iContour signature facial is unique, each follows the same three basic steps. These are cleansing your pores, exfoliation, and treatment of skin issues. After cleaning your face, steam is often used to open your pores to make the extraction of blackheads and whiteheads easier. This is usually followed by exfoliation and then some type of serum or mask to nourish your skin, depending on your goals. Our team ends the treatment with a moisturizer with SPF to protect your newly exfoliated skin from UV damage. After your iContour signature facial, you may experience some redness and irritation, but this should go away within a day on its own. You may see results as soon as your facial is complete, but to extend the life of your facial, ask our team about an at-home skin care regimen. You may also want to get regular facials to ensure your results stay as new and fresh as possible.

Where can I get an iContour signature facial?

Starting the new year with an iContour signature facial can leave you with clear and healthy skin to start your new year off right. Each facial is customized to fit your skin and any goals and desires you may want to address. If you are in need of skin refreshment, then an iContour signature facial may be a good option for you. Our expert team can help you find the best treatment course. Contact iContour Anti-Aging Center in Boston, MA for a full consultation on the state of your facial and anti-aging needs.

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