The Do's And Don'ts Of Microblading Your Eyebrows

What is Microblading?

Microblading is a procedure that can help in improving the look of your eyebrows. It is also known as “feather touch” or “micro-stroking.”

Eyebrow microblading can be carried out by a trained technician. Although they may or may not have a special license to carry out the procedure, it still depends on the state where they’re working. Your microblading technician draws in your eyebrows carefully using a special tool. This procedure involves hundreds of tiny strokes, building a texture that has the appearance of your own eyebrow hair. The results coming from microblading can last for about 12 to 18 months, which is why many people consider having this procedure.

Microblading cuts into your skin in your eyebrow area, and pigments are being implanted into the cuts. There are some dos and don’ts that you need to know if you are thinking of having this kind of procedure.

Microblading Do’s And Don’ts Before And After Care


1. Do Some Research

A quick search in Google can help you find the eyebrow microblading technician nearest to you. However, we recommend doing some research to guarantee that you’ll achieve the results that you desire. A well-established, trained technician should have a license to perform the procedure and certificates that prove his or her past experiences or training.

You should also check your technician’s past works. He or she should be able to answer all of your questions and give you as much information regarding the procedure from the beginning until it’s done. The procedure should also be carried out in a clean, sterile environment. Although it’s obvious, it’s still worth mentioning.

A good technician will start by drawing on each of your eyebrow hair first. You will then be asked if you’re happy with that look and if that’s the look that you’re looking for before he or she applies the semi-permanent ink. This is why eyebrow microblading is a job for a person with experience to handle. Make sure to find not just anyone but a microblading technician with proper training and experience.

You should also spend some of your time scheduling a consultation with your microblading technician. They will explain to you exactly what the do’s and don’ts of microblading your eyebrows are.

2. Do Some Prep Works

Before you visit the office of your microblading technician, you will have to prepare accordingly. First, you need to stop yourself from waxing or plucking your eyebrows. Your technician will create your new eyebrow via microblading by getting the measurements of your current eyebrow. Additionally, you have to stop using exfoliators for three days. Your goal is to make your skin as insensitive as possible to the procedure to minimize bleeding. Also, pregnant, nursing, and diabetic patients should avoid having this type of procedure.

3. Do Some Communication With Your Microblading Technician

It is very important to communicate with your microblading technician to achieve the results that you’re looking for. If you don’t communicate with your microblading technician, you might not get the results that you’ve always wanted.

The shape of your eyebrow is up to your microblading technician since they measure it based on the shape and structure of your face to achieve a natural-looking result. During microblading, communicate with your technician and tell them about your desires, but take note that they will use accurate measurements to determine the most aesthetically satisfying shape of your eyebrow.

You can also tell your microblading technician about any discomfort that you feel or any of your particular concerns about the procedure. Tell your technician about any medication that you take or any medical issues that you have. Some specific medications can compromise the skin’s integrity, while some medical issues can complicate the recovery process of eyebrow microblading.

4. Do Take Proper Care Post-Application

After microblading, your eyebrows will look so amazing that you feel showing them off. However, be very careful not to use any makeup or skincare products since they can cause scratching, peeling, or picking of the treated area. Also, you should avoid getting exposed to direct sunlight for at least ten days.


1. Don't Rush The Process

Eyebrow microblading is done over a period of three to four weeks, with each session lasting for up to two hours. This procedure uses a plant-based pigment that will naturally fade in a period of 18 to 24 months. The plant-based pigment looks 30% to 40% darker in the first two to three weeks after the procedure. As the treated area heals, the skin starts to flake off and reveals a beautiful lighter-colored eyebrow.

2. Don't Wear Makeup

Although it’s possible to wear makeup before your eyebrows are fully recovered, it’s best for you to simply avoid it. Remember, microblading is basically tiny cuts into your skin. If you decide to still wear makeup on or around your new eyebrows, be extra careful with applying and removing your makeup.

3. Don't Be Afraid Of Commitment

One of the best things about eyebrow microblading is that this procedure is semi-permanent and not permanent. So you don’t have to be afraid of having any commitments.

4. Don't Be Unrealistic About The Results

When you decide to have eyebrow microblading, don’t be unrealistic about the results that you will get from this procedure.

It might take you multiple sessions to achieve the look of your eyebrows that you desire. However, eyebrow microblading is simply a 2-step process, which means that it delivers faster results than you think. One treatment can help you achieve good-looking eyebrows that last for a few years.

The strokes from eyebrow microblading are very sharp at first but will eventually soften and migrate into your skin. You should also consider the type of your skin when thinking of the results. Skin that has excessive oil, larger pores, thicker, and eyebrow keratosis can affect the pigment from getting absorbed.

To learn more about Eyebrow Microblading, visit iContour and see all the services that we offer. Schedule your consultation and contact us today!

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